Content tagged with daily-show – CommonBits
Daily Show torrents. w00t. Content tagged with daily-show – CommonBits Via BoingBoing Link to share this: https://gabrielserafini.com/blog/2005/10/04/content-tagged-with-daily-show-commonbits/
Harvey Danger – Why We’re Releasing Our New Album for Free on the Internet
Via BoingBoing, torrenting this album right now, will give it a listen.
Harvey Danger – Why We’re Releasing Our New Album for Free on the Internet Why we’re releasing our latest album for free on the Internet In preparing to self-release our new album, we thought long and hard about how best to use…
Boing Boing: Cory starts podcasting
One word, w00t. Cool, thanks Cory! Awesome! Boing Boing: Cory starts podcasting Cory starts podcasting I’ve finally started podcasting! I love reading my stuff aloud, but it’s not practical for me to find quiet places to sit down with a mic and a Powerbook and record. So the idea is that I’m going to record…
MilkandCookies – Redefined: A Cappella Nintendo Medley
Man, I’m a total sucker for Super Mario performed live. This is a pretty fun medley of video game sound tracks + great skit acting. Yay! (Thanks, Kevin!) MilkandCookies – Redefined: A Cappella Nintendo Medley Redefined: A Cappella Nintendo Medley Redefined, an a cappella group from the University of Wisconsin – Madison, sing and act…
The Wisdom Compendium
Another neat site by my buddy Shanti. Check it out! Update: you’ll have to wait until Shanti get’s the site fully going. Update 2: go get’m. The Wisdom Compendium Welcome to the Wisdom Compendium September 22nd, 2005 The Wisdom Compendium is a collection of interviews, advice, and, well, hopefully much wisdom that’s being compiled by…
Emily Chang – eHub – web 2.0 application list
More Web 2.0 goodness. Emily Chang – eHub eHub is a constantly updated list of web applications, services, resources, blogs or sites with a focus on next generation web (web 2.0), social software, blogging, Ajax, Ruby on Rails, location mapping, open source, folksonomy, design and digital media sharing. Found via http://del.icio.us/popular/ Link to share this:…
Boing Boing: Cory’s novel-in-progress serialized for next ten weeks on Salon
Just read the first installment, and all I can say is, man, Cory is a great author, someone with the ability to predict the very near future by reading the tea-leaves of today. Go check out the story, I can’t wait for the rest. Boing Boing: Cory’s novel-in-progress serialized for next ten weeks on Salon…
Introducing Gabriel Yamabushi
Now that Second Life has made basic membership free instead of costing $9.95 to join, I’ve created an account there. You have to use one of their supplied last names, so I joined the Yamabushi family. Not because I know anything about them, more because it sounded cool as a name. If you want to…
amillionways_v300.mov (video/quicktime Object)
Neat 1-take dance video, nice song, fun.
amillionways_v300.mov (video/quicktime Object) Found via Khoi Vinh‘s excellently spartanly wonderfully black and white designer blog. Link to share this: https://gabrielserafini.com/blog/2005/08/31/amillionways_v300mov-videoquicktime-object/
The Hype Machine – Today’s Blog Music
Archives of mp3s mentioned on mp3 blogs. Pretty sweet!
The Hype Machine – Today’s Blog Music What is the world listening to today? Click a link on the right to hear music posted today on dozens of blogs! Listen using Winamp, our Flash player, or any other player that supports podcasts or m3u playlists.…