Category: How To

  • Removing pesky Icon* files using find and rm on the command line

    So, I konw a few things, but this is a shell command that I’ve wanted to figure out for a long time. Basically, it searches through the current and all subdirectories looking for any files named Ico* (Icon, Icon?…) which sometimes I’ve found get uploaded when using Mac (I believe they’re the Icon resource pointers,…

  • How to Network Hotsync Samsung i330 Palm/Phone

    This is completely RAD. Slightly slower than in-cradle synching, but totally awesome that it works! 🙂 (via ok kiddies, Funny thing is we just went over this issue in another thread, ill post below the same instructions that i posted from someone else in teh Buisness connect thread. I wanted to have it tested…

  • Howto: iptables + SSL + Apache 2

    It took a bit of searching to finally figure out the right process for getting SSL running properly for Apache. I’ve used it before, of course, but hadn’t personally set it up myself yet. Here is how to take a stock Red Hat 9 installation that has been updated with the latest patches and allow…

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