Category: Podcast

  • Cycling ’74: Soundflower

    Saw this app linked on this Italian podcasting how to article, via article about how to record Skype on OS X. Cycling ’74: Soundflower Soundflower Soundflower is a MacOS X (10.2 and later) system extension that allows applications to pass audio to other applications. Soundflower is easy to use, it simply presents itself as…

  • Isn’t it fun when Google returns 0 results?

    It always gives me a certain amount of satisfaction when an idea comes and Google yields 0 results. It’s happened to me a couple of times. One was when I started Securanix – a network security services company back in 2001. And, this evening, the same thing for the latest project. This one isn’t under…

  • PodcastAds – Advertise in Podcasts, Make money with your Podcasts

    And the commercialization swoops in in record time on the podcasting phenomenon. PodcastAds – Advertise in Podcasts, Make money with your Podcasts Publishers Are you creating podcasts? Would you like to make money from advertisers? Bandwidth can get expensive, and that new mixer or mic is looking pretty good right about now. We aim to…

  • Podstar – Podcast blog

    Found this on Podstar, and I had just noticed the EXACT SAME THING. NO WAY!!! 🙂 Just that, when you search for podcast, Google says, “Did you mean: broadcasting?” Pretty funny. COMMENTS Pioneer Press St. Paul Pioneer Press: “Podcasting is red-hot in the geek universe but still a bit obscure elsewhere. Even Google asks, “Did…

  • (beta)

    First result for ‘podcast’ on Google… (beta) The Podcast Directory Welcome to, the podcast directory. Below is a current list of known podcast feeds. You will need a version of iPodder software to “tune” into these podcasts. Links to versions for various operating systems can be found below. Then come back here to…

  • Last 100 podcasts

    Listening to Dave’s Morning Coffee Notes podcast, and he mentioned this site. He’s working on bootstraping the podcasting network like he helped to do for blogs in general originally with Pretty cool stuff. Last 100 podcasts 10/19/2004; 9:40:27 PM Last 100 podcasts 1.  Daily Podcast From Another Place (2004-1… 9:39 PM 2.1MB 2.  Rock and Roll…

  • : Podcasts : Podcasts Adam’s list of podcast rss feeds, via Dave. 🙂 Link to share this:

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