Enjoying a quick trip to England for Miranda Tarver (now Ash)’s wedding to Matthew Ash.
The weddings were lovely. First was the civil ceremony two days ago. Then yesterday they had their blessing ceremony. We had to look up on Google what “Carriages at Midnight” meant. I had thought that maybe there were going to be horse carriage rides or something. But no. Just means that’s when it’s time to go.
There was a good roast pig on a spit being prepared during the blessing ceremony and it was quite tasty. I got to meet some interesting people and catch up with some old friends. Fun! Miranda’s mom looked lovely as always, sporting a fab hat with a big curly feather.
Driving here (or rather, being driven and being navigator) has been quite an adventure too. Roundabouts, left-hand driving, one-lane sized roads that are supposed to be two cars, beautiful country towns with brick walls right next to the road. But nobody died, so… overall a fun time was had by all.
After we got done at the reception, we drove 1 hour back to Godalming, where Miranda lives. Then, we changed and headed on in to London for dancing at Ministry of Sound. It only took about 3, 4 5 tries to find it. But find it we did. And it was quite fun, though it did cost 15£ to get in.
So, off to the beach today, and hearing has almost returned to normal.
One response to “Carriages at midnight – update on our holiday trip to England”
Went to Windsor Castle today with Kristin, Dawn Dilley and Anna, Dawn 16-month old. It was quite big, impressive, and lots of stone. Got to see one of the guards marching about. I asked a policeman if he or the guard had more jurisdiction. He thought that probably the police did, since the guards apparently don’t carry loaded weapons — they’re more there as a ceremonial function. The guards did have fixed bayonets though. Also, they’re soldiers in the army.
We’ll be leaving tomorrow (Thursday) night and getting in at 8am Friday morning with an 8 hour layover in New York. Yay…?