Month: March 2006

  • Christian Science Media

    CSMedia_01d, originally uploaded by gserafini. Working with Rachel on a design for a new site that would make free Christian Science Media readily available to the general public. Coming as soon as it can. The logo font is Mrs. Eaves Small Caps from Emigre. Link to share this:

  • Tango Icon Gallery – Tango Desktop Project

    Sweet open source icons: Tango Icon Gallery – Tango Desktop Project Link to share this:

  • Super Mario Brothers Race – Google Video

    Super Mario Brothers Race – Google Video Link to share this:

  • Bookadoodle is now live – yay!

    Well, I finally got the new WordPress theme for Bookadoodle finished and uploaded. The rooster logo was designed by Sara who also suggested the fun name and encouraged us to build out the concept. Content-wise, it is still a young blog, but, uh, check out the cool roundy corners! Yay! 🙂 Books are great. We…

  • Layout Gala: a collection of 40 CSS layouts based on the same markup and ready for download!

    Good visual examples of a variety of CSS layouts (click on thumbnail to see each one in action) that all share the same underlying HTML markup. Good quick reference for simple sites I think. In November 2005 I presented on a three-part article on creating CSS layouts using techniques like negative margins, any order…

  • Andreas’ practical language comparison

    Another comparison matrix – this one for languages: Andreas’ practical language comparison Perhaps you already encountered the situation – you read a bit about some less-mainstreamed language, and ask yourself : How in the world do they write an “hello world” with that? This is where i want APLC to help. I want to collect…

  • My-BIC = Easy Ajax (Another AJAX Framework on today)

    My-BIC = Easy Ajax The What After tiring of over hyped ajax frameworks trying to hide the guts that make ajax programming fun I decided to share my recipe for easy to make ajax applications where you still have control over everything, but the setup of it all is handled for you. This is a…

  • advAJAX / AdvancedAJAX 1.0

    Neat looking Ajax library with a lot of configurability. Someone should do a matrix of all the ajax frameworks with what they offer… 🙂 This text contains the list of all methods and variables of the AdvancedAJAX (advAJAX) object. This project is available for free for both private, non-commercial and commercial usage. In case you…

  • Google Sitemaps – Now with average position of keywords

    I’ll definitely have to check this out later… Google sitemaps turned on a new feature today. Now you have the ability to not only look at what people search for and click on to get to your site, but today you can now see what average position that phrase or keyword comes up at! This…

  • The no-framework PHP MVC framework – Rasmus’ Toys Page

    In the end, the no-framework framework that Rasmus proposes isn’t so much of a framework as a coding style / approach, and he basically advocates rolling your own instead of refactoring someone else’s complicated framework. Still, some good points and worth checking out, good comments at the bottom too… Try to avoid using include_once and…

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