Put Linux onto your iPod Photo (4g) – Mac installer that works
kainjow.com Want iPodLinux running on your 4th generation iPod, iPod photo, or iPod mini, but hate doing all the steps manually? Well now you can get games, videos, gameboy games, Doom, text input, and much more all on your iPod! w000000000000ttttttt! Thank you for the simple installer that actually works!
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REBOOT STEREOPHONIC – Sweet mexican remix – Cha Cha No. 29.3.1416
So… I THOUGHT I had found this via Boing Boing, but then, looked again, no dice. So, finally tracked it down, was driving me crazy. Not sure if they posted it and it got disappeared or what. Anyways, download, give it a listen, I find myself listening to it twice each time. REBOOT STEREOPHONIC Listen…
FLIPPING SWEET short flash film
Yo. Check it. Really nice piece of creative writing, editing and execution. Spin Found on Populicio.us (daily new http://del.icio.us/popular/) Link to share this: https://gabrielserafini.com/blog/2005/08/21/flipping-sweet-short-flash-film/
Enoch Light – Smashing, baby!
Have been listening to some of the tracks, and they are groovy, brassy, fun for sure. Boing Boing: Thursday is the 100th birthday of Enoch Light The late Enoch Light was a bandleader famous for using “ping pong stereo” effects: bouncing sound from the left and right channels. The effect was put to good use…
Internet Archive: Details: xoc – SMW – Another Super Mario Brothers recording
I have a special softness in my heart for recordings and covers of Super Mario Brothers music. Found this one via Boing Boing and going to give it a listen.
Internet Archive: Details: xoc – SMW The complete soundtrack to Super Mario World, covered by one man using dozens of instruments. Roughly in game…
Free Multiplayer Online Games
Tons of free multi-player games here. Free Multiplayer Online Games Via Delicious/Popular Link to share this: https://gabrielserafini.com/blog/2005/08/13/free-multiplayer-online-games/
The Single Life – Dating and Nightlife Stories – on Being Single – a collaborative weblog
The Single Life – Dating and Nightlife Stories – on Being Single – a collaborative weblog Check out TheSingleLife.net where you can read and share stories about being single. Another Niner Niner site, built on WordPress, of course.
Link to share this: https://gabrielserafini.com/blog/2005/04/24/the-single-life-dating-and-nightlife-stories-u2026-on-being-single-a-collaborative-weblog/
Check out what’s hot at CDX. The ever-rolling CDX Chart!! Below is the rolling CDX chart based on votes over the last seven days. This lets you know at a glance what is hot and what’s not and also how the records are likely to fair in the end of month charts. This will hopefully…
Vimeo – Automatic Movies
Interesting use of the FFMPEG-PHP code. Vimeo – Automatic Movies Welcome to Vimeo! This is a site for organizing and sharing your video clips. Vimeo also makes it easy to watch your friends’ video clips, or to view clips that have common subject matter. Link to share this: https://gabrielserafini.com/blog/2005/04/07/vimeo-automatic-movies/
Futuro Mashup – Funk filled mash, easy to listen to
Futuro Mashup def. mashup, a combination of classic cuts, RE-groove-Re-cut-REcyle, good clean fUn… I like this track especially: LetsGetTheLOve.mp3 P.S. If you are subscribed to my RSS feed and you use a podcasting application (like iPodder) then when I link to mp3s you’ll automatically download the mp3 to your iPod thanks to WordPress enclosure support.…