Anyone reading this, I currently have 6 gmail invitations. Not like it isn’t getting easier and easier to get one, but if you _still_ don’ t have one and you would like one, let me know (either via email, the comments below, telephone, IM, whatever.)
Update: Still have 5 left as of 11:21pm September 17. Gave first one away to Angelica.
Update: back up to 6. Gooooooogle are so tricksy when it comes to marketing their new email service. So tricksy…
3/24/05 Update: Have 50 invites now. Leave a comment to receive an invite. A link back to would be appreciated too. You can use the following code to create your link:
<a href="">Gabriel</a>
25 responses to “I have
6550 gmail invitations if you’re interested.”hi gabriel .. i still dont have a gmail account and have been looking for one.. would b very nice of you to send me an invitation to angelica_art@…
thank u
Angelica, I edited your email in the comment so that it won’t get picked up by the email harvesting spiders… enjoy your gmail acct.
hi sent one to
Ok, Zip Contact, I sent you one.
Plz Send Me One
Sent you an invite. Enjoy it. Also check your Junk Mail folder if you don’t see it in your Inbox.
if you have any left id appreciate one.
matt crawford
thanks, matt
Hi my frd
I would be very grateful if you
could send me an invitation for a
gmail account on the following emai
Thx a lot
hi there gab ,if you have any of that invitations left i would be very thankfull if you can send me one!
Deliberandum est saepe, statuendeum est semel
Hi Gabriel! I am interested in acquiring a gmail account.
Would it be possible for you to send me an invitation.
Appreciate it. Thanks!
can i have one Gmail account? will be very grateful for your offer.
No problem. It’s on its way. I’ve now got 50 invites, so email me or leave a comment if you’d like one.
might i have a gmail account? it would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you for your time,
Anthony D.
Anthony, It’s on its way.
I was searching for a Gmail invitation. If you have any left, I would appreciate it. Thanks. Neat site.
Steven, on it’s way.
It would be totally rad if you could send me a Gmail Invite, I’ve been wanting a Gmail account since they opened it but alas, found out too late and Never got around to signing up, now I find that I have to be invited.
Well, if you have any left I would greatly appreciate it.
Eric, on it’s way.
Hey! I don’t know if you still have any invites left but i have been wanting gmail for a while now. If you could send one of those bad boys my way it would make me a very happy person xD thanks a million
Heather, it’s on it’s way.
I’m just dying to get a Google email invite. It’s great that you have so many to give away. If you’re all out I guess I’ll just have to ask santa.
On it’s way, Justin. Don’t forget to put a link back to this site if you want to.
<a href="">Gabriel</a>
I am wanting a gmail account. I would greatly appreciate the invite… I am been want to get one for sometime….
Brent, your invite should be on it’s way.
I still have 100 left, so anyone else who wants or needs one, let me know.