Category: Open Source

  • CentOS – The Community ENTerprise Operating System

    I hadn’t really heard about CentOS yet, but have been seeing it offered on hosting packages. Looks pretty cool… – The Community ENTerprise Operating System CentOS Overview CentOS is an Enterprise class Linux Distribution. It is a rebuild of Redhat Enterprise Linux that conforms fully with Redhat’s redistribution policy and aims to be 100%…

  • QemuX. The power of Qemu in your hands.

    QemuX. The power of Qemu in your hands. QemuX claims to be a powerful UI (User Interface) for the Qemu CPU Emulator by Fabrice Bellard. QemuX is designed for Mac OS X. As qemu currently only runs as a Terminal App, a Cocoa application for managing configurations and simple launching of a foreign Operating System…

  • HOWTO: How to record a streaming .ram file to .mp3 using OS X

    Introduction The other day I was trying to figure out how to get the audio-recorded version of the Christian Science Bible Lesson onto my shiny new iPod photo. The iPod likes .mp3 or .aac files. It does not include any way to save out a Real Player audio stream in .ram or .rm format and…

  • Slashdot | Plausible Deniability From Rockstar Cryptographers

    Slashdot | Plausible Deniability From Rockstar Cryptographers J. Karl Rove writes “Nikita Borisov and Ian Goldberg (of many, many other projects) have released Off the Record Messaging for Gaim. Encrypt an IM, prove (at the time) that it came from you, and deny it later. The authentication works only when the message is sent; anybody…

  • Theme Development – Codex

    Theme Development – Codex Introduction The next version of WordPress will have support for user-defined themes built in. Until now, WordPress used index.php and the comment files in conjunction with a CSS stylesheet to control the way it presented the content when published. All other pages, including the category and archive pages, were actually generated…

  • WinSCP – Freeware SFTP and SCP client for Windows

    WinSCP – Freeware SFTP and SCP client for Windows WinSCP is an open source SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) and SCP (Secure CoPy) client for Windows using SSH (Secure SHell). Its main function is safe copying of files between a local and a remote computer. Beyond this basic function, WinSCP manages some other actions with…

  • NewsForge | Where is the ‘plug-and-play’ Linux office system?

    Nice article by Slashdot editor Roblimo on making a business out of an integrated hardware / software + support and upgrades included type of offering to small business owners. NewsForge | Where is the ‘plug-and-play’ Linux office system? Worse, the Linux software people asked, “What about hardware?” and the hardware people asked, “What about software?”…

  • Web File Browser

    Web File Browser Web File Browser is a simple open-source file browser written in PHP (1 single file) that allows users to create, delete, edit, copy, rename, move and upload files and directories thru a light, full-text, web-based interface. We’re using this for Nora Larimer‘s site admin area to handle image uploads. Going to give…

  • GForge CDE : Collaborative Development Environment

    GForge CDE : Collaborative Development Environment GForge helps you manage the entire development life cycle GForge has tools to help your team collaborate, like message forums and mailing lists; tools to create and control access to Source Code Management repositories like CVS and Subversion. GForge automatically creates a repository and controls access to it depending…

  • jEdit – Programmer’s Text Editor

    Gonna give this a try. jEdit – Programmer’s Text Editor jEdit is a mature and well-designed programmer’s text editor that has been in development for over 5 years. While jEdit beats many expensive development tools for features and ease of use, it is released as free software with full source code, provided under the terms…

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