So, I finally am using FeedBurner to start tracking my RSS subscribers. Here’s what it looks like right… now. 🙂
Not too much so far, but I’m sure once it’s had a chance to meet my subscriber’s feedreeders it will perk up some. Errr, well, we’ll see. 🙂
I have to say, I like having this feedburner url though:
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2 responses to “Feed burning (finally)”
You may want to use a redirect and a more generic URL – a redirect to redirect your current RSS traffic to the new feedburner address, and a new URL to give out to readers.
I use: and redirect that URL to my feedburner feed. This makes it easy to stop using feedburner if necessary and move readers back to the original feed (or if a better “feedburner” turns up).
You will also need to change your link type=”RSS” in your header for browsers like firefox to pick up the new feed.
For the feeds I’m offering, I am actually doing a redirect (using the excellent WordPress Feedburner plugin by Ordered List ( which handles setting up the redirection, creating a new, internal random feed url for Feedburner to use.
The regular URL that people should be subscribing to is still Does the RSS feed button not currently show up in Firefox for you? I’m seeing it in mine.
Thanks for the feedback! 🙂