Month: November 2006

  • Online Pharmacy

    This site provides information about online pharmacies but doesn’t sell any drugs. This site is about online pharmacies and shares information about the drugs that people can buy online. We are interested in learning about unsafe online pharmacy stories as well as people’s successes with ordering medications over the Internet. Online Pharmacy Link to share…

  • Collabofit weight target accomplished!

    Collabofit weight target accomplished!, originally uploaded by gserafini. The next target will be 200lb. Slow and steady wins the race. Or something like that. w00t. 🙂 Link to share this:

  • Use Flash to create a custom upload button with SWFUpload beta

    What is it? Upload files via flash to get the flash-upload dialog goodness. Only display chosen filetypes in dialog Upload multiple files at once by ctrl/shift-selecting in dialog Trigger javascript functions on start, cancel, progress and complete Get file information/size before upload starts Style upload buttons any way you want Do progress-bars/information using valid XHTML…

  • 21 Rules of Thumb — How Microsoft develops its Software

    This was interesting to read right now, since we’re hoping to push a new release of Collabofit later today. 21 Rules of Thumb for Shipping Great Software on Time Jim McCarthy, Microsoft Corporation Shipping great software on time is a difficult but not impossible task. Elements you think would count the most count for very…

  • My (paid) review for – a new site where you get paid to review things (duh)

    Note: This entry is a PAID review for Oh good gracious. TextLinkAds is now offering a new service called where bloggers get paid to write about stuff. As I am a current customer of TextLinkAds, I thought I’d give it a try. So here it is, my first paid-for review. Things I like…

  • Slashdot | Slashdot Posting Bug Infuriates Haggard Admins

    Dang. Last night we crossed over 16,777,216 comments in the database. The wise amongst you might note that this number is 2^24, or in MySQLese an unsigned mediumint. Unfortunately, like 5 years ago we changed our primary keys in the comment table to unsigned int (32 bits, or 4.1 billion) but neglected to change the…

  • Wondering if your vote on an electronic “voting” machine will be counted?

    Watch this video. A documentary showing how DIEBOLD has cheated american voters. HBO SPECIAL Hacking Democracy – Google Video If there are ANY discrepancies between pre-election polling and the actual “results” and they are not challenged, there will be trouble. I’ll be voting later today, and videoing it to see how the process goes. Link…

  • Gabriel wins Big Bopper and DESTROYS the Frisbee

    Gabriel wins Big Bopper and DESTROYS the Frisbee, originally uploaded by gserafini. Here’s the evidence of today’s win at Big Bopper. Link to share this:

  • Twig Media – hyper minimalist / maximalist sound landscpes

    Check out Twig Media, the site for my friend John Tamm-Buckle. He’s an electronic musician who likes extreme superlatives. Check him out: Twig Media (Warning – Flash site) (Screenshot hosted on Flickr) Link to share this:

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