Thinking about writing a Fitness Tracker plugin for WordPress, featuring BMI (Body Mass Index) data, Last Weigh-in, Last Workout Date, and other motivational information to help you keep getting fit in mind.
This plugin would allow you to easily track your current BMI based on periodic weigh-ins and recording the results in a weigh-in post. Would use a custom field to add weight, then options for using pounds or kilograms or stones or grams or whatever, how to display, history, etc…
Also could be a hosted service all setup for people to collaboratively lose weight and get more fit. Goodness knows that we need all the help we can get, eh? Umm, here we come…
So, in the spirit of that, current weigh-in after going to the gym for two days: 221.5lb
11 responses to “WordPress BMI (Body Mass Index) tracker plugin”
Please let me know if you get anymore info on this. I could help beta test…
I’ve started working on a simple weight tracking sidebar, which is the start. More to come soon, for sure.
Hello, where can iI find this BMI plugin? Is it avaiable to download? it’ll be great…
anyone yet published a bmi-plugin?
I’m after a plug in like this. It must be available by now?
oooh wonderful! just what I was looking for!
and do you find that?
Can any one give download link of this plugin…Thank you in advance…
I absolutely love this blog. I’m doing my morning weight loss blog reading and found your blog.
I don’t think I’ve been here before, but I’ll be back. Cool blog and thanks for the info.
[…] Fat Loss 4 Idiots added an interesting post on Comment on WordPress BMI (Body Mass Index) tracker plugin by Fat …Here’s a small excerptI absolutely love this blog. I’m doing my morning weight loss blog reading and found your blog. I don’t think I’ve been here before, but I’ll be back. Cool blog and thanks for the info. Kenney. […]
Hi Gabriel,
My husband is about to release a tool like the one you describe, our market is Germany so off course the plugin will be in German, but doing a version in english I guess would be no big deal. Tell me if you are interested, or perhaps you would like to see it. Neither me or my husband are Usability experts.
Br. Elizabeth